Fresh and Earthy. The bouquet of citrus essential oils lemon, pink grapefruit, clementine, and sweet orange combine to provide the skin with clarifying agents, collagen production properties, and aides the skin in reducing the appearance of large pores to firm the skin. With the addition of vetiver essential oils to balance the scent aide in skin cell regeneration boosting the growth of new skin.
Ingredients: Shea Butter, Organic Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Sweet Orange Essential Oil, Lemon Essential Oil, Clementine Essential Oil, Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil, Vetiver Essential Oil Organic Arrowroot Powder.
114 mL/ 4 oz.
240 mL/ 8 oz.
CAUTION: Keep out of direct sunlight or heat. This is an all-natural product best kept at room temperature for consistency.